Monday, September 04, 2006


Virtually Complete!!

Woo Hoo! FINALLY! After MUCH frustration with wiring the lights, I got it done today! Many thanks go to the bro and homies at Buggies Unlimited Forums for their help and to the wife for confidence building. It took 3.5 hours today, but it felt fantastic to hit those switches and see those headlights glow!

Look at those glowin' eyes!

I spent a total of 6 hours on the cart today. First was wiring the headlights, tail lights, and brake/turn signals. I had mounted the headlights using scrap "material"(don't ask - but it looks ok), and had most of the wires pre-strung under the cart, so the time was spent checkin' and double checkin' my schematic and crimping buttjoiners and splices. I mounted 2 switches. The first sends power to the signal/brake lights and to the head/tail light switch. This allows me to turn off the brake lights when I have to park it using the brake so those lights won't stay on. However, the brake lights don't function at this point. I believe this is a pedal switch issue as I am confident everything is wired correctly. Also, the signals do not blink. I have JUST learned that the LED lights do not draw enough power to trigger the blinker relay - wish someone would have mentioned that BEFORE! So those will need to be replaced. Also, the LEDs are not bright enough to use as signal and brake lights during the day, though they show up great in the dark. DESPITE these issues I am ECSTATIC! All the lights come on and the rocker/toggle switches work perfectly.

I replaced the EZGO badge - having painted it black, where it was red before. It looks like crap upclose, but still looks better than the red. (see the before pics)

THEN I proceeded to bust out the painters tape, newspaper and a rattle can of white gloss auto paint. I added redneck racing stripes! I did sand the green coat to give the white something to grip. The cracked layer is still very visible up close, but from a short distance the cart looks great. Which is really all I was going for. It really is a 'CretinCart. It looks pretty good with the university logo magnets too. I still want to add black pinstripes on the white edges. That will really make it stand out.


I have also added a trunk to the cart. I mounted it "backwards" (it opens towards the front) so it could be pushed flush against the top uprights and still open easily. Figured it didn't really matter how it opened. I used a short cord to hold it up when it's open, so the top doesn't flop and break. Slapped a few stickyback reflectors on it, just one more thing to make the cart visible to those I don't trust (as in every other driver on the road).

CretinCart's gotta a big ole butt, oh yeah.

LT is ready to roll!

One Kewl Cart

I'm still waiting on a 4ga wire set to be created, but that will be a quick and easy install once I got 'em.

So - there will not be much to report here for awhile, and then once the brake light issue is resolved, and the 4ga wires are in, Cart blog updates will be few and far between. You'll have to email me if ya gotta question regardin' the 'CretinCart.

May I please see the pictures of when you crimped your buttjoiners?
Hi there -- sorry I'm posting this right here (couldn't find your e-mail address).

I have been deeply inspired by your blog and now have started to write my own. I would be happy to have a few regular readers and therefore ask you if we could do a "link exchange"?

Please let me know whether you are interested. I live in Switzerland and am excited to find out if I can join the English speaking bloggers' community.



my blog is (the design is constantly improved :-) )
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